
About Us

No. Year of Consecration
Meeting Day Month  Inst. Mtg.
1100 1863 2nd Thu All months Jan
Name of Worshipful Master WBro. Makarand Gadre
Name of Lodge Secretary WBro. Rajesh Pant
Contact# of Lodge Secretary +91-9820088447
Email Id of Lodge Secretary
Location (Maps)

Lodge of Emulation 1100 EC

Extracts from a conversation

A Senior Brother – and a wag – remarked that Lodge Emulation should have been renamed Phoenix; having gone through two near-death experience in the last thirty years. Each time it has emerged and grown in strength; risen from the ashes as it were. Which caused another Brother to add that the name was quite appropriate since its past and present are quite worth mirroring.


Five years after the founding of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay, the Lodge of Emulation was consecrated in 1866. W. Bro H.H. Avron was the founding Master for 1866 & 1867. In these 165 years Emulation has had 126 Masters.

Short History

Emulation was originally a Seafarer’s Lodge and the ‘Occupation’ of many members of those times makes interesting reading. Initiated in 1912 (earlier documents are not available) a Brother was a Shipping Agent, another a Barman. Another a Storekeeper, a Steward, a Baker, a Shipwright. Followed later by a Police Officer, Officer Indian Army….and of course Directors of Companies, CEOs. A truly universal blend of Brethren. The first ‘Indian’ name on the Emulation rolls was W. Bro. Rusi Photographer in September 1968, followed by W. Bro. Causie Maarfatia in December 1968. The first ‘Indian’ initiate in Emulation was Bro. Eddie Dastoor.

Avatar 2017

Thanks to the foresight and encouragement of the DGM, R.W. Bro Percy Driver and the forbearance of the District Grand Secretary W. Bro. Rummy Khan – Lodge of Emulation 1100 EC moved its residence from Mumbai to Pune. W.Bro. Rajesh Pant was the primary driving force behind this idea, and he relentlessly saw it through to the end! The lodge was resuscitated from near extinction by an influx of Brethren led by W. Bro Anil Nair and W. Bro Devesh Hingorani who coaxed, cajoled, and harangued Brethren to join, The lodge now has initiated 22 new brethren and has a  complement of 52 members in 2022.


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